The New Business Manager


Every new manager faces a number of challenges never faced before.

The Profile People offer every new manager a business mentor to help them face these challenges, with an outline plan, as well as ongoing support to ensure success in their new role.

The plan will look like this:

  • Understand your strengths for the role in hand and align your management style to meet the needs of your team, and the business.

  • Understand your business, its objectives and its values.

  • Don’t be afraid to walkabout and just look and listen to the HUM of the business.

  • Create a positive open style to encourage and empower your team to be a part of everyday solutions to business challenges.

  • Create a team profile to allow every member of the team to understand their own working strengths, and to be able to share them with the rest of the team, improving team communications.

  • Allow your team to set their own challenges, as you can guide them on the priorities for the business, to enable them to grow, and be rewarded for their achievements.

  • Your new role is to lead and support in a clearly defined direction. It is NOT, to take over and micromanage members of the team.

  • Your ability to delegate tasks in line with a defined outcome, and to be able to run smooth project meetings with your team will be essential. We will show you the tricks of your trade.

The Profile People have the necessary tools to allow you to see clearly, all of the things that are going to have an impact on the speed of your success.

Understand the profiles of every member of your team

Understand individual’s motivators to ensure you are not wasting time and money in the wrong areas, for them and the business.

Allow your team to identify challenges for themselves and work through them in priority order to completion. Your role in this job move will be to one of support and reward rather than over management of issues arising.

Your business mentor will be a fully trained manager with years on the job experience both at home and abroad, in multinational companies as well as SME’s.

We recommend you don’t delay in choosing a mentor to help you in your new venture.

Call John Shenton today on 07946-577521 or e-mail:

Visit: for your free working strength profile and visit our website:

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