The Process
To start the process click he button to the right to get started. Make sure you give your e-mail address, and a direct line number so that we can give you one to one feedback for you to understand profiles.
Answer a few basic questions at the feedback session so that we can understand more about your business, and what you need to achieve.
We both need to understand where you are now, what resources are available to the business, and where you need to be by when, given any limitations you insist on.
Once we have agreed a basic requirement, we will be able to give you an outline quote for the work to be completed to give you a full team benchmark review document.
An alternative would be for an agreed number of individual profiles as a standalone exercise.
We offer individual working strength profiles supported by personal motivation reports
These can be supported with one to one feedback meetings taking about 15 minutes.
We can support your management to understand the teams appreciation of how the business is working for inclusion in the report.
We will be able to highlight opportunities to do with people management and office management design to make the most of a team’s performance.
Once completed and agreed, the team and management can agree to set up a working team event to allow all team members to share their profiles. This can also be designed to allow them to design working models in our “In Pursuit” application to allow the team to resolve ongoing challenges with short time frame check points for success evaluation.
Our invoicing will be based on monthly invoices set against profiles completed, reports completed, all with feedback, and time involved over and above fixed rates for the reports. Expenses are all charged at agreed rates or cost based on invoices supplied –i.e. flights, hotels etc.
The return on investment for you should exceed all costs of these exercises within a reasonable timeframe.
For more information call John Shenton on 07946 577 521 or e-mail:
Free Profile for Senior Managers
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